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What is the Natural Contract?
The evolution of a Social Contract was one of the most important events in modern history. The 'Social Contract' explores the proper relationship between the Citizen and the Government; it abstractly identifies the rules and duties to which citizens and governments must adhere. It is now apparent that the men and women of the 21st Century will have to begin the formation of a new type of contract-- a contract that will, like the Social Contract, contribute to the health, happiness, and liberty of future generations of Mankind. The Natural Contract must address the proper relationship between Humans and Nature. It must try to answer questions such as: When is it acceptable to cut down forests? Should the government have the right to protect fisheries at the expense of fishermen's jobs? If so, does it have the obligation to offer new lines of similar work while fisheries are temporarily closed? What level of (Carbon Intensive) energy use should be considered immoral? There are many questions that need to be answered and answered fairly and equitably at that.
The Natural Contract focuses on creating a more fair and just society by acknowledging the meaning and power of the world’s natural assets, and specifically identifying the minimum level of respect and protection these assets deserve.
The Natural Contract aims to be as fact-based as possible so that we can maintain the maximum amount of efficacy when it comes to governments around the world adopting our structures into law. In itself, the Natural Contract lacks enforceable jurisdiction. However, the Natural Contract does affirm, by definition of its structure, the responsibilities of firms, governments, and average people to respond to the science-based and humanistic facts about our ecological world.
Action is the Antidote
The first goal of The Natural Contract is to encourage valuable discussion about complicated topics relating to our environment.
The next goal is to translate these refined ideas into meaningful action in our world. The primary vehicle for this Action will be determined in virtual Community Action Meetings that will be scheduled as a category/ topic develops to a point where meaningful action can be determined. In these virtual meetings, we’ll bring together experts and other stakeholders to devise an action plan for meaningful change. Please check our calendar at the left of the below forum for upcoming Community Action Meetings.
This platform is intended to create constructive dialogue that advances the changes society needs to make in order to solve the planet’s current ecological crisis.
Unlike traditional social media platforms, The Natural Contract utilizes a specific structure to introduce Topics within each main category of discussion listed below. This structure, ultimately, serves the goal of one day being able to unify all the thoroughly discussed topics into one thoroughly vetted, evolved document: The Natural Contract. With that being said: The Journey is the reward and, like the Social Contract, The Natural Contract may always remain an abstract concept. The important thing is that we are able to convey its underlying tenets to stakeholders and decision makers around the world.
Quick Start Guide:
Select a Category Below [e.g., Economy, Politics and Government, Ecology, etc.]
Click “New Topic” to pose a new question within this category
Click on an existing Topic square to join the discussionStay tuned to our Events Calendar for virtual “Community Action Meetings” where we’ll come together to devise a plan to turn The Natural Contract’s ideas into real-world, tangible actions!
A bit more detail:
Topics Must Be Questions
The specific structure of The Natural Contract is that the Topics within each main category are to be phrased as questions.
So, when starting a new topic within a given category, this Topic must be phrased as a question. When making a new Topic, please state your question in the “title” section, and then either elaborate further on the question in the “content” section of the post or begin to answer it based on your initial thoughts.
Again, the Topic must be phrased as a question. For example, if you wanted to start a topic related to the effects of air pollution within the human health category, you might say “Should air pollution costs on human health be regulated?” or “How could air pollution costs on human health be regulated better?” instead of the non-question form “Air pollution costs on human health.”
In comparing the two example questions above, we should also point out that one version is unquestionably preferable: “How could air pollution costs on human health be regulated better?” The reason is that with the How version we facilitate a discussion towards a solution. In the should version, we merely ask something obvious, and a yes or no answer would suffice at that.
Another Point
If you have already glanced at the below main categories, you may have noticed that there is both a Human Health category and an Air category. Our example Topic question could be made within either of these. It is up to you to decide where you locate your Topic questions-- as long as it’s a relevant location it is acceptable.
This structure is important because The Natural Contract platform ultimately seeks to construct specific and explicit resolutions rather than a general analysis of ecological issues. Again, the more specific and explicit you can be the better. And, the more you can phrase your questions so they lend themselves to solutions and actions the better. Moreover, if facts are presented it is best to cite the sources.
Last but Not Least
We strive to limit all content that fails to live up to our goals of creating decentralized, world-changing ideas. This includes content that states facts, statistics and numbers without a credible source (e.g., Academic journals (peer-reviewed), official websites (.gov, .edu, etc.), academic databases, and more), content that attacks others, or Topics that are not formed as questions with the good faith goals of fostering meaningful discussion. If you notice suspect content, please let us know by clicking the Contact Us link at the top of the page.
The Natural Contract
Systems need to change and we need a compass to guide these changes comprehensively.